The wildly popular Divi theme from Elegant themes comes with a versatile drag-and-drop Visual Editor called the Divi Visual Builder. This Visual Builder includes six or so image blocks that adds images.
If you have a website built with Divi and if you are looking to update the attributes of all the images in bulk, you have come to the right place. Image attributes such as image title and alt text are great for accessibility and image SEO.
Most blocks of Divi that uses image pull the image title and alt text from the Media Library. Updating image attributes in the Media Library updates them on the page.
However, for the image block (the one that is specifically designed to upload and showcase an image), Divi uses its proprietary image markup to include the image alt text and image title in the post HTML. This is similar to how WordPress does it, but in Divi’s own style.
Starting with Image Attributes Pro version 4.2
, when Divi’s format is detected, Image Attributes Pro will update the image attributes within it’s proprietary format automatically.
To update all your image attributes in bulk, simply configure the Bulk Updater of Image Attributes Pro and just run the Bulk Updater. No special configuration needed.